Reduce slowness related to bib record w/ many items and many hold requests (Improve Beta Setting: Holds: Enable asynchronous RTF threshold)
I need Leap and the Polaris client to better handle bibliographic records with many items and many hold requests.
My library has a bibliographic record with over 1,200 items attached and over 1,200 active hold requests. (Bib record: 1081932)
The item records attached to this bibliographic record have always been slow when modifying and saving one of the item records in Leap and the Polaris client.
More recently, Leap has been timing out more often when attempting to modify and save an item record on this bibliographic record.
This results in me having to update the item in the Polaris client and it still takes a couple minutes to save a modified item on this bibliographic record when performing this action in the client.
Since public services only use Leap, only a couple people are able to make this change in the client.
Innovative has told me that ~300 is the max number of items and ~500 is the max number of holds that a bibliographic record can support before performance issues start occurring.
Innovative has suggested that I divide the item records up among multiple bib records to reduce slowdown, but that does not help since I need one holds queue to manage all of the requests for all of the items.
Polaris currently has a setting in beta (Holds: Enable asynchronous RTF threshold) that is supposed to alleviate some of the issues, but it does not alleviate the issue mentioned above.
I would like to know if this beta setting is actively being looked at and improved upon so that it might fix the immense slowness and timeouts that we are experiencing.
Previous ticket that talked about this issue:
Ticket Number: 1056154
For more context:
Additionally, a couple weeks ago, all hold requests on my large bib record started timing out in Leap. At that time, we turned on the beta setting Holds: Enable asynchronous RTF threshold.
Turning on this setting did stop the timeouts of hold requests being placed on the bib, but it did not help the timeouts when updating item records.
Previous ticket that talked about this issue:
Ticket Number: 1148415
AdminSamantha Quell (Admin, Innovative) commented
This should be investigated as a bug and not an enhancement. I'm going to close this enhancement request and work with Support to have the details passed over in our bug tracking tool.