Enable Leap Single Sign On (SSO) (AKA make it work like all other SSO apps)
Leap single sign on in Polaris 7.7 is not truly single sign on. It is more "authenticate using a 3rd party service".
The "single" sign on part of single sign on, typically means that if you sign into one of the SSO apps, then you're signed into all SSO apps. This is part of what makes SSO appealing to the end user.
However with Polaris 7.7, single sign on doesn't work this way. Instead you must login again. My understanding is the interpretation is supposed to mean SSO only for Polaris apps, which right now would just be Leap and Polaris Web Sys Admin but could include SimplyReports in the future.
I would request that the Polaris SSO function like all other SSO apps and allow for true single-sign-on. If there is a desire to force re-authentication because some logins are shared making SSO not feasible, it is my opinion that should be enabled as part of the SSO endpoint rather than being forced through the Polaris app.

Margaret Rose O'Keefe commented
Yes, please!
Dustin Booher commented
We critically need a way to streamline password resets and forced changes in order to comply with our data security audit requirements.
Wes Osborn commented
@Lynton I like the idea of SSRS support, but I think that is kind of on Microsoft to support on their end which they don't because I think they're trying to get people to switch to PowerBI instead :(
Lynton Frost-Foster commented
Could we include single sign on to Microsoft Sequel Server Reporting services (MSSR) for the logged in LEAP user.
At this point the user takes the reporting link from LEAP but must then log into MSSR with their username and password to access these reports. -
Wes Osborn commented
In fairness, re-reading the latest documentation available (which in this case is for 7.6) they don't say it is SSO. It just works so similar to SSO without being SSO it is unnerving.
So, this request could probably be titled, allow Polaris and Web SA to authenticate via SSO.