It is critical for patrons to be notified in the way they choose, to continue to receive emails notices that worked prior to LX implementation, and for libraries to be able to implement a service that doesn't have such a significant flaw. It is a disservice to ask patrons to create a new email account, or to change their notice method due to this issue that should have been fixed long ago. Libraries continue to be offered this service when this issue has been known for over a year, yet it remains on the someday maybe we'll fix it list.
It is critical for patrons to be notified in the way they choose, to continue to receive emails notices that worked prior to LX implementation, and for libraries to be able to implement a service that doesn't have such a significant flaw. It is a disservice to ask patrons to create a new email account, or to change their notice method due to this issue that should have been fixed long ago. Libraries continue to be offered this service when this issue has been known for over a year, yet it remains on the someday maybe we'll fix it list.