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50 votesUNDER REVIEW · 10 comments · ILS - Polaris » Acquisitions, Serials & Item/Issue/Inventory Management · Admin →
Paul Lightcap supported this idea ·
112 votes
Paul Lightcap supported this idea ·
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+1 for a MARC-based method which allows custom mapping that includes a local field/non-standard field which we can protect to prevent change/overlay, esp. for those using any record updates service to continually enhance their catalog records. A bit skeptical of a TOM override non-MARC field (essentially similar to what Sierra uses) since this requires a means to export into MARC as well as import in a way that can map through. Same worry for an item material type approach as this could fail if a library has slightly odd itemization practices, (e.g., let's say a book club kit with items for every book in the kit coded as books as well as an item with a kit type for the bag/kit proper). And, finally, a plug for ensuring however this is done can be successfully surfaced to any discovery product.