Settings and activity
7 results found
20 votes
The product manager will review this idea for possible inclusion in a future release.
An error occurred while saving the comment Susanna Aakko supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Susanna Aakko commented
We have similar issues. I think Freezing (by patrons) and NNB (by staff) should somehow be merged so that there would be only one functionality that could be managed by patron on WebPAC/Encore/Vega and via REST solution and by library staff in Sierra.
53 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Susanna Aakko commented
I guess this is related to idea "Allow patron to set thaw date of frozen holds". Patrons love the functionality and staff has problems with long frozen hold queues. I'm not sure what would be the best resolution.
25 votes
The product manager will review this idea for possible inclusion in a future release.
An error occurred while saving the comment Susanna Aakko commented
This would be useful. We have too much frozen (and probably forgotten) holds on the hold queues.
21 votes
The product manager will review this idea for possible inclusion in a future release.
An error occurred while saving the comment Susanna Aakko commented
This is confusing for our customers (and staff) too so would be nice. However it should work with both title and item paging. E.g. when patron places a hold it is automatically paged if available, if patron immediately freezes it the page should be removed, when patron unfreezes the page should be created again.
15 votes
This idea will be reviewed by the Innovative product team for consideration in planning the upcoming product roadmap.
An error occurred while saving the comment Susanna Aakko commented
We would vote for this! We had a similar enhancement request in the old Idea Lab as in comments below: It could be possible to store the user's work email address in the User Basic Info in Admin App. Then the email address could be used to restore the password (Forgot your password functionality for staff). This is more important now because we are finally implementing SDA Context Users. We have hundreds of staff members and no admin staff available in the evenings/weekends to reset passwords. Of course it should be an optional and secure function. It would be library responsibility to accept/store work emails only to those users that are allowed to restore their password.
Susanna Aakko supported this idea ·
6 votes
This idea will be reviewed for consideration as an enhancement in an upcoming release.
Susanna Aakko shared this idea ·
14 votes
Susanna Aakko supported this idea ·
Freezing (for patrons) and NNB (for staff) should be combined to one unified functionality so that frozen holds could be managed by patrons (WebPAC/Encore/Vega and third-party solutions using REST) AND by staff (Sierra Circulation). There are a few related ideas (and I commented them) but I think the main problem is that the function is not the same for patrons and staff. So I'd probably like first to remove NNB and replace it with just freeze/unfreeze on Sierra side too. (After that think about the additional options such as thaw date and freeze even if items available.)