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ILS - Sierra


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265 results found

  1. I would like to add an optional parameter to the Sierra API endpoint for checking in items to allow for backdating those transactions as you can within in the client as it may help with automating some projects.

    For an immediate example, I have identified a number of items that were not removed from the checkout table correctly due to locked patron records, where the were placed in transit and I can see a time the checkout ought to have occurred via the in transit message. I would like to write a script to correct these failed checkins once they…

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  2. PROBLEM: When I search for an item via F3 Search/Holds, after finding the desired item and clicking to place the hold, a popup screen appears called "Search for patron." If I don't have the library card number but instead type in a name, and there is only one matching result, there is no way to preview whether that patron account is truly the correct one or not. Plus, for libraries with multiple branches, it is helpful to see the preferred pickup location.

    SUGGESTED SOLUTION: in other areas/screens, there is a small i (info) button that one can hover their cursor…

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  3. It would be nice if there was a setting in the Receiving function to limit your search to only items available to be received. We search by PO and have to wade through loads of items already received and billed. This was available years and years ago on the old Horizon system.

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  4. The Situation: Our library's room checkout suddenly shorted to a hard limit of 6:00pm. I discovered that last year's spring break hours were listed in the Hours Open table and last year spring break occurred earlier in March.

    The Problem: Entries in the Hours Open table do not include the year. If the year was included, hour checkout issue wouldn't have been an issue.

    Solution #1: Add the ability to include the year to Hours Open table. Default to the current year but have the ability to change the year.

    Solution #2: Revamp the Hours Open table. Modifying the Hours…

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  5. This proposal suggests enhancing the Patron API key creation process by incorporating a Stat Group field, allowing staff to categorize API keys by vendor and track their usage using existing reporting tools. The proposed enhancement would modify the API key creation window to include an optional Stat Group field towards the bottom. If left blank, the default stat group (zero) would be assigned, maintaining current functionality. This change addresses a common issue where vendors do not implement the stat group provided by the library, often resulting in API-driven transactions being categorized under stat group 0. This leads to inaccurate or…

    8 votes
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  6. This idea came from a discussion at the IUG2025 Sierra Reporting Forum.

    It would be very useful to provide an endpoint to assist with gathering/generating the sorts of circulations statistics that would normally require SQL access. However, the all or nothing nature of SQL permissions is a barrier that prevents many users from being permitted to access those features. With the API on the other hand a user could be limited to simply having read access to an endpoint such as this, along with likely the bib and item endpoints so that they may craft reports without also having to…

    12 votes
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  7. Keeping our systems secure with SSL certificates is essential. Certificates need to be renewed and there is a service commitment to handle this process. But there is a better way. SSL providers can be setup to automatically renew and deliver an updated SSL certificate to our systems when their expiration time approaches.

    This idea is for Innovative to support software-only site with setting up an automatic SSL renewal process thereby keeping our systems safe from expiring certificates and making the process worry-free.

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  8. Currently, Sierra does not provide built-in functionality for processing or tracking refunds. While the system records partial payments that result in credits (displayed as negative fines) and waivers applied by staff (visible in Fines Paid), there is no equivalent workflow or tracking for refunds.
    We request the addition of a refund tracking feature within the patron record, ensuring that staff can see when a refund has been issued. Specifically, we propose:
    A clear refund indicator in the patron record.
    A display of refund amounts including payment method in the Fines tab, similar to how fines and waivers are shown.

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  9. In a consortial setting we have some libraries that would like to avoid showing last patron data for a item in an attempt to avoid retaining data that could be used to breach a patron's privacy.

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  10. We would like the ability for authorized/admin level staff to collectively shuffle multiple holds, so those at the bottom of the queue can be selected & moved to the top. Their order at the top wouldn't necessarily matter, as long as the group were all advanced in the queue.

    Use cases: item recalls, where tech services staff have to place dozens of holds on items, all of which wind up at the bottom of the queue & need to be shuffled individually/manually.

    Book club: we had a situation recently where staff at one branch cancelled holds on book club items…

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  11. Add the ability to create a template specifically for repeated bills. This would allow us to send a different message for a reminder bill than what we sent in the original bill. This is would be similar to how we are able to create different templates for 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc Overdue Notices.

    18 votes
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  12. The only option for eReceipts is plain text. It would be a fantastic feature to customers to be able to build a nice HTML email for them.

    5 votes
    UNDER REVIEW  ·  1 comment  ·  Admin →
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  13. We had a patron complaint that the email notices do not include magazine issue information, only the main title. The notices also do not include item barcodes, so there isn't any data to match against a specific issue. Could information from the Issue field in the item record be displayed in overdue notices?

    11 votes
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  14. Currently, the notices for Current Checked Out Items allows for daily or weekly scheduling, but it would be handy to have the ability to set this at a longer time frame such as monthly, quarterly or by semester as most of our materials check out for much longer periods of time (16 weeks or longer generally), and some users find the weekly reminders tedious.

    Either the option to set the automated notices to a longer time period, or the ability for patrons to choose a longer reminder period (opt in to weekly, monthly, etc notice) would be very helpful.

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  15. Similar to the keyboard codes (ex. %ENTER%), it would be useful to have a command code for today's date. In item records, we input the current date in a 995 field using a macro but must update our date macro each day. Being able to have a command for the current date would save time and lead to fewer errors when users forget to change the date.

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  16. Sierra 6.3 saw the introduction of a feature that allows users to select a file in Create Lists mode & then, from the Tools - Send To menu, direct that file to either Global or Rapid Update, eliminating the need to navigate to those functions & then find & select that file.

    I would like to see the same introduced, but for the Delete Records function.

    Doing so would similarly streamline the workflow when doing record purges in Sierra.

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  17. Currently the Record History report for Bib Records in Sierra contains a list of record changes, the login that made a change, and when it was changed.

    However, if the change to a bib record was attempted with a login without the required permissions, Sierra will ask for a login with elevated permissions and allow the user make a change once logged in. In this case, the Record history will record the first login (without required permissions), instead of the elevated login needed to make the change.

    Problem: Record History report for Bib Records Record History report for Bib Records…

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  18. We would like to change the wording on our bills to patrons for long-overdue items from “COLECTIONS AGENCY REPORT CHARGE” to “MATERIALS RECOVERY SERVICE CHARGE,” but this is hard-coded. We use Unique Management, who describes themselves as a materials recovery service, and we try hard to always use that wording and not say "collection" or "collection agency." Some patrons have become alarmed by seeing "collection agency" on our bills for long-overdue items and in their accounts.

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  19. Many libraries have eliminated fines and they would like alternative ways to provide an incentive for patrons to return items. We would like the option to block patron circulation based on a Library determined number of overdue items. This rule could be added to the Patron Block table so that libraries could customize rule as necessary.

    Idea Value: This new setting would provide an incentive for Customers to return their items.

    Idea Value: We don't want to restrict the number of items a Customer can sign out, but want to restrict borrowing after a specific number of overdues.

    Idea Value:…

    12 votes
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  20. We'd like to see a date/time stamp on the "Restart a process/terminal" display in the Admin Corner and be able to sort by it. We sometimes run out of licenses because staff don't sign out of their SDA sessions at the end of their shifts, and we have to contact Innovative and request that connections older than the current day be closed. It would be helpful to be able to do this ourselves. Currently, we can preemptively reset all connections early in the morning before staff arrive, but if a problem arises during the day we don't want to cause…

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