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  1. At the end of the year/before we open on January 2nd, we have to manually zero out the YTDCIRC and replace the LYRCIRC with YTDCIRC. Besides being time-consuming if you have a lot of records, this process also then changes the last updated date of the item record, which makes that date less helpful, especially for missing, lost, etc items. This should be done automatically, and it should not change the last updated date of the item record.

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  2. When viewing an item record, you can double click on the patron# and you can view the patron record of the person who currently has the item on loan. It would be good to also be able to have the option to actually edit the patron record, and to also be able to access what they currently have checked out.

    Idea Value
    This would negate having to have another Sierra session open and do a separate search for the patron's record so as to check what else they might have on loan, and/or to amend their record/add a message etc.…

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  3. Once a user is created in the admin app, you are not able to update the username. You may update the password, permissions, etc., but not the username itself.

    All of our clerk-level positions are part-time, so there is a lot of turnover. Each time an employee leaves, his/her account must be deleted and a new one created for the replacement. When the new account is created, you then must import all of the permissions, options, locations served, etc., of a comparable employee for the same location.

    Ideally, we would simply be able to edit the username and password and…

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  4. The current icons available for the OPAC for material types are woefully lacking. There's no icon for audiobooks (the modern digital type), but you have icons for cd-rom books and books on cassette. The icon I'd most like to see added is a streaming video icon. This is a very common collection item in the 21st century, but our only option is a film (reel-to-reel), dvd, or internet resource (which isn't helpful at all). Any chance we could get more modern material type icons? For ideas, simply google "streaming video icon" and look at all the options!

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  5. When you create (a) new item(s) while cataloging -- or create any records actually! -- the pop-up that guides you to enter the data step-by-step should have a back button. Currently, if you make a mistake and click Next you either have to cancel and start over or keep going and fix the mistake on each item record individually after saved/completed. It can be quite tedious when you are adding multiple items at once.

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    Save time! What would just take a few clicks/seconds to fix can sometimes mean a lot more time, especially if you Cancel and have…

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  6. When there is a change to Loan Rules such as an increase to number of renewals, etc., it would be beneficial to globally update the field instead of changing each independently.

    During Covid we increased the renewals and then decreased them a year later. I was told there was not a way to globally update the field and had to go into each Loan Rule to make the change.

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    This would save staff time and possible errors. Freeing staff to be more productive in other areas.

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  7. Make it an option to also include the item cost in the overdue notice as well (incentive to return!).

    In our date due slips (JasperSoft) we include the cost of each item and a total cost to show what the patron saved by using the library vs. buying.

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  8. Customers have the ability to freeze holds currently, but after the time has elapsed from them to be frozen, there is no message or alert, or automatic way for the holds to be "unfrozen".

    Make a way for the holds to automatically unfreeze, or at the least for the customer to get a notice that the time has expired, so that they can unfreeze the hold themselves.

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    Our staff look at holds and how they are progressing as an indicator for purchasing additional items. the frozen holds show up in this list as well, and it is challenging…

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  9. Increase the Patron Block Table to allow more than 4 block categories for groups of items by item type/location.

    We would like to see Innovative add at least 6 additional categories, bringing the total categories up to 10.

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    Libraries are lending an increasing array of non-traditional materials. More categories in the patron block table are necessary to facilitate limited lending on these materials.

    This would allow libraries to limit lending more granularly. For example, allowing a set number of items in each of the following categories:
    Books -100
    CDs - 25
    DVDs - 5
    Videogames - 1

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  10. The ability to create custom print templates is an essential component of many parts of the system. LX Starter is a viable replacement for the templates used for notices but not for the printing of things like due slips, spine labels, and hold slips that must remain within the SDA to support daily workflows.

    Print templates are designed in a third party software called Jaspersoft Studio, but Sierra's documentation lists version 6.0 as being the last supported version of that software. However, that version is roughly 10 years old and the installer only seems to exist as an old link…

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  11. We frequently have the unfortunate situation where staff accidentally delete their paging list from the list of Notices. Ideally, we'd prefer that frontline staff be able to prepare, print, & fulfill their paging lists but not be able to delete them.

    Separating authorizations to create/edit/delete these lists from the preparation & printing would save support staff a great deal of time spent recreating these lists & remove some of the potential for frustration & confusion among frontline staff.

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  12. There are two things we would like to see in the Mark Damaged Items process. First we need a separate notice text for damaged items. We are trying to differentiate between lost and damaged and having to use the same notice text is problematic. Second, we'd like the status after the bill is paid to be Damaged & Paid (just like Lost & Paid) instead of just Damaged, as staff can't tell if this is an initial damaged status or one that has been paid for. These are handled differently and being able to create a list, for example, of…

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  13. Problem: Many patrons have holds on titles in Quick Pick or Lucky Day collections. When they "get lucky" and check out one of these non-holdable copies their original hold remains in the queue and the patron often neglects to cancel their hold.

    Impact: Fulfilling these unnecessary holds wastes time for staff and patrons and delays trigging other patrons' holds as the item sits on the holdshelf until the expiration date. Collection budgets are also negatively impacted as these unnecessary holds can skew the item-to-holds ratio for high-demand items that selectors use to determine how many additional copies to purchase.


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  14. Currently there are no alerts when indexing stops working. We would like to see some put in place.

    We recently had our keyword indexing stop working. It wasn't completely obvious to us for few months that there was a problem with indexing as it didn't seem to be every record.

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    Having an alert to III would save time troubleshooting if it's a metadata problem and raising tickets for something that could have an alert on it.

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  15. In the Sierra web-based admin utility, in Authorizations and Authentication Admin, when importing permissions from one Sierra user to another, the "donor" settings overwrite those of the recipient user. I propose adding a checkbox to allow these to be imported in an additive manner.

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    Recently two of my coworkers in Technical Services and Collection Development received promotions and shifted into different roles. When using the feature to assign the permissions of users similar to the new roles, old but still valid permissions were lost due to the way the feature overwrites the recipient permissions with those of the…

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  16. Idea Description
    If system generated review files could appear in Global Update/Rapid Update Review File dropdown list without even downloading them to Create Lists first that would save so much time.

    It's a normal part of my daily workflow to upload records using Mobile Worklists or Data Exchange, copy them into Create Lists and manipulate the file in Global or Rapid Update. 

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    With the file appearing in the dropdown list in Global/Rapid update, the file can be manipulated as usual AND users wouldn't have to remember to empty the Review File (which was only created so it could…

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  17. Duplicate instances of a single item frequently appear on Bib Paging Lists resulting in confusion and either wasted paper (up to 7 pages were printed for a single item once) or wasted time deleting those lines before printing. There is no need for the paging list to alert us to multiple holds for any item, especially if we can't physically fulfill those holds.

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  18. Idea Description

    Create tools for managing the hidden review files that are created by the system or record loading.  Being able to see the list of hidden review names, record numbers, dates, would be great for system housekeeping.  Being able to bulk delete the review files many of which are from record loading would be even better!

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    This idea would go a long way to helping system administrators clean up the review file section of the system.  The currently method of having to copy them is clunky at best.  Deleting them one at a time is even clunkier and…

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  19. We repeatedly run up against our limit of saved searches in Create Lists. There are probably saved queries created long ago that no one is using/needs. I was hoping to assign staff to review the queries and put their initials in the saved search name, but when you go to Edit, you can only edit the query, not the query name (like you can a review file). Ideally it would work like the review files themselves, when you can see who last ran the list (initials, date and time). And perhaps apply the "Own" option. This would really help to…

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  20. Library staff would like to be able to see more details on holds that have been placed, including how the hold was placed (Sierra Desktop vs. SierraWeb vs. Web vs. mobile app, etc.) and who placed the hold (Sierra login if not the patron).

    Right now, it is not consistent how holds information is displayed.

    If you view holds w/in a patron record (holds tab), you don't see when the hold was placed or how they placed it. However, if you View Cancelled Holds, you see the date/time it was placed, along with the date/time it was cancelled, along with…

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