Make Sierra User Profile Imports Additive, at least Optionally
In the Sierra web-based admin utility, in Authorizations and Authentication Admin, when importing permissions from one Sierra user to another, the "donor" settings overwrite those of the recipient user. I propose adding a checkbox to allow these to be imported in an additive manner.
Idea Value
Recently two of my coworkers in Technical Services and Collection Development received promotions and shifted into different roles. When using the feature to assign the permissions of users similar to the new roles, old but still valid permissions were lost due to the way the feature overwrites the recipient permissions with those of the donor user.
If we had a checkbox to alter this behavior, the recipient could retain all their old permissions while gaining the donor permissions. As the graphic suggests, the result would be an ORing of the two sets of permissions.
This behavior should likewise extend to Applications, Workflows, Settings, Options and Preferences to the extent possible. Applications and Permissions are straightforward enough. Workflows involve an ordered display and for all I know conflicts may arise in Settings, Options and/or Preferences when combining two users in this way. My request of Mike and the product team is to implement that portion of this request which is readily doable and to not let the potential conflicts kill the whole idea.
After voting (thanks in advance), please see my other opt-in Idea Lab entry.