Settings and activity
7 results found
11 votes
Samantha Quail supported this idea ·
Samantha Quail shared this idea ·
25 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Samantha Quail supported this idea ·
62 votes
This idea is outside of our agreed upon Idea Graduation Workflow, but because it was just raised in the most recent rount of MEEP voting, I'm going to keep it open for another cycle. Moving to "Under Review" status.
An error occurred while saving the comment Samantha Quail commented
Leap should also be able to use article tables like Polaris - it is very frustrating to be searching for a title, sorting a record set, or sorting a PO items list and have titles appear in the incorrect order because they start with "The" or "An".
Samantha Quail supported this idea ·
108 votes
Samantha Quail supported this idea ·
39 votesUNDER REVIEW · 3 comments · ILS - Polaris » Acquisitions, Serials & Item/Issue/Inventory Management · Admin →
Samantha Quail supported this idea ·
93 votes
Samantha Quail supported this idea ·
129 votes
Samantha Quail supported this idea ·
This would make cataloging media much easier, it is a pain to have to toggle back and forth between UPC and "other number" every time we scan an item to see if it has a record in our system or not.