Settings and activity
60 results found
8 votes
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An error occurred while saving the comment -
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11 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Hello,
We have a new feature being worked on now that will add the option to search Bookmarks by:
Publication Date
SeriesYou'll also be able to filter your bookmark lists to see all or available items.
Would this meet your needs?
10 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Derek, please open a support ticket. In the short term, there is a post-deployment step that changes the reset view to look like the attached image.
A long-term solution to add to the translation files is captured in our part 2 plans to improve translations.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi Greg,
Tell me more! Are you saying after engineering deletes any test/training data you have new test data that's been added?
We did add the option to delete events with no registration.
Thank you for the additional details,
8 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment This will be accomplished with this MEEP feature. -
10 votes
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Autorenewal is an ILS setting not a Discover level setting. Please check with support to see if that's available in your ILS.
In your collection site, North Chicago Public Library is at the top of the Location facet. Can you tell us more about C:239 and what it corresponds to?
To limit search results DVDs, you would apply the format and location facets.
5 votes
AdminAngela Nolet (Senior Product Manager, Innovative Interfaces, Innovative) responded
3 votes
9 votes
Related to Syndetics scoping for kids sites, but this looks broader and limits based on the initial material type.