Diacritics for Foreign Language records
World Language displays with diacritics, especially Spanish, French, German. The diacritics may appear ok in Polaris Client bib record, but it is intermittent whether they appear correctly in Vega.
i.e. Author: Laurie Friedman titles in French -
1. title appears ok as "Milly l'espiègle et le bébé en pleurs" but summary is not ok.
2 another title appears incorrectly as "Milly l'espi?gle et les cl?s disparues"
Both titles are ok in Polaris.
Closing since the follow-up is that diacritics seem ok.
Beth Neunaber commented
Follow-up: it appears the updates/corrections appear after 24 hours (that is, the changes seem ok at 2 days, not the following day)
Diacritics now seem ok.