More sort options (Title, Most Popular, etc.)
We would like too add more sorting options to Vega Discover when on the results screen after doing a search. The options that are listed above for example will help with bringing the most relevant titles to the top of the results based on the user's searching preferences. This will promote giving users more options for better discovery.

Jenny Ertel commented
Strongly agree! Being able to sort search results by Title or by Author is necessary when trying to find a particular work or group of works, especially when there are many similar or related titles in the results list. For instance, a search for "x-men" returns a gazillion different titles and subseries ("x-men", "uncanny x-men", "astonishing x-men", ""immortal x-men", "x-men: blue", etc.) all mixed together, which can be overwhelming. A Title sort option would allow the user to more easily see which related titles/series we own and--especially helpful for comics/manga, where the titles are all the same except for the volume number--what volume numbers we do and don't have (assuming the volume numbers are sorted in order as part of the Title, which is the current case in the WebPAC). Similarly, an Author sort would help find the desired work when multiple results have the same title (such as common title "night moves") or have common words or phrases. Being able to organize search results by more elements is a matter of efficiency and something our patrons and staff are used to being able to do.