Cataloging Assist with AI
Vega Mobile Worklists users would like to be able to scan the ISBNs new books using the mobile app and pull in a bibliographic record from a configured cataloging source.
Vega Libraries would like to be able to use AI scan features to scan the covers and other textual book information in order to create brief bibs for books that cannot be found in configured cataloging sources.
Job Stories:
As a Mobile Worklists staff user, I can configure a connection to a cataloging source and other cataloging settings.
As a Mobile Worklists staff user, I use the cataloging function to scan the ISBN of a new book and search for a bibliographic record in a configured cataloging source.
As a Mobile Worklists staff user, I can select a bibliographic record from search results in a cataloging source database and load that record into my ILS.
As a Mobile Worklists staff user, I can create a brief bibliographic record for a new book by capturing the text on the cover, back, and title pages of a book and load this brief bib into my ILS.