Settings and activity
25 results found
10 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
112 votes
Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
85 votes
Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
93 votes
Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
99 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christy Sayre commented
I can see how this would be useful for any kind of device that requires re-charging.
Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
37 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christy Sayre commented
Our libraries are clamoring for this!
Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christy Sayre commented
In a consortium of 43 libraries, it's nigh impossible to consider adding additional patron codes. With the hold setting in the item record limiting holds to patrons from this library and branches, it seems like the architecture is already in place to add a similar capability for limiting checkouts--this would be a truly elegant solution and could make managing our circulation much simpler.
Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
52 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christy Sayre commented
There's little else to say that Daniel hasn't already covered. While experience tells me that for patron bulk loads, fields need to be precisely configured, in Polaris, this seems like an area that's been ignored and should be revisited and developed down to simpler steps.
Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
6 votes
Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
42 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christy Sayre commented
Overall development of the mobile app by Solus has been progressive. It sounds like this is not a decision by Polaris but by Solus. I hope whatever is holding them back is soon resolved.
An error occurred while saving the comment Christy Sayre commented
We now have 4 libraries in our system that have pickup lockers or a drive-up window. They've invested a lot to have these conveniences for their patrons. My hunch is that the same patrons who are using these are also heavy app users, and it's got to be frustrating to them not to be able to see that pickup spot in the app.
Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
49 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christy Sayre commented
We just had a library ask us if it was possible to emphasize the pickup area (like Locker) on the hold slip. Their staff is often missing that the hold is for the locker, not the holds shelf. Of course, the info is there, but if it could be bolded, or in a larger font that the rest of the info on the slip, there'd be fewer mistakes and their patrons wouldn't be showing up after hours, only to find that their hold isn't in the locker--imagine the frustration!
An error occurred while saving the comment Christy Sayre commented
I'd love to see more flexibility on these. Being able to have branch-defined fields could in effect allow us to re-create our regional delivery slips in the setup of our routing slips. This would eliminate alot of work, use less paper, and eliminate clutter around each library.
Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
24 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christy Sayre commented
If this could be enabled even for 12 hours--a single working day--it could save at least that much staff time in our libraries every day. Thank you for considering this!
Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
26 votes
Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
40 votes
Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
26 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christy Sayre commented
Having shelf locations as a facet can also simply help filter results, while at the same time keeping the Collections more constant. We can filter by collection, which for many libraries will only get you so far. Shelf locations can really help all searchers drill down to a target or narrow search results.
Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
23 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christy Sayre commented
Agree with commenter MK. We expect to be creating alot of LoT records and seems that the volume statement will be the way to go on these, so to be able to search those would be significant.
Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
13 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christy Sayre commented
This is a good idea if the titles aren't mentioned; otherwise you might infringe on the privacy of household members who may wish to keep their library activity to themselves.
12 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christy Sayre commented
Patrons don't always understand that there's a difference between the app and the PAC, and being unable to edit contact info in the app will likely lead to frustration.
Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
12 votes
Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
22 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christy Sayre commented
Smart phone users are used to doing all sorts of (secure) financial transactions via their phone, so this functionality is going to be expected.
Christy Sayre supported this idea ·
Borrowers rarely claim they returned something until they receive notification that they've been billed for a Lost item. In Leap, changing a Lost item to a Claim is a very messy and step-heavy process. One has to copy the barcode of the lost item, which opens up the item window. Then come back to the patron record, and check out the lost item again (without checking it in). That removes the lost status and removes the bill, often one of the goals. Once the item is checked out to the patron and appears in the Out/Overdue view, the staff can select the item and make it a Claim. The process of all of this leaves a history of being checked back in and checked out again, which, when viewed by others, makes it seem as though staff was tampering with the record.
By contrast, it's very simple to change a Claim to a Lost item, and the trail is "clean." So please consider providing staff with a clean and simple way to change a Lost item to a Claim.