Limit online registration by geographic location
Please allow libraries to limit online registrations by their selected geographic location (state, county, city, zip code, etc.). We have too many people signing up that are outside our location and then using the resources which eats up our budget thus robbing our true patrons from their share of the resources.
We currently have to comb through the registrations and find the "out of area" one and manually delete them. Would be better to prevent them in the first place. Never goodwill to give and then have to take away.
This will help Library staff and Library patrons.

Izzy Oneiric commented
The need for this has come up repeatedly in conversation in my department. We have people registering online from all over the country and accessing e-resources, and one of our poor Collection Services Librarians spends an inordinate amount of time deleting ineligible accounts.
Michael Gregory commented
This is long overdue. I don't know why there isn't a setting in SA where you can just choose zip codes available for digital cards. Polaris already has a zip code table.
Grace commented
My library is in a co-op with libraries in our county. So many patrons dislike how confusing and difficult it is to see if an item is available in our building. I would love to see the locations tab moved up, or at the very top of the page a toggle that shows all items or the items at the specific location. Maybe even default it to the physical location.