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ILS - Polaris


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  1. When entering new accounts in to LEAP, we enter the patron zip code and the city is automatically filled out. At Phoenix libraries, if the city is not Phoenix, we have to remember to change the patron code to Maricopa and the expiration date to only one year. Could these 2 fields also be automatically filled out by the zip code information. It would save a lot of jumping from the top of the registration form to the bottom and back...and could save mistakes when we have a LOT of outreach library card forms to enter.

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  2. When using the date picker, we'd love an option to select "Today" and have it set the date automatically for us. When updating really old cards, it can be a pain to have to select a date with the picker when we have to change every field. Typing is limited in its ability to be a workaround, because it requires specific formatting in order to work.

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  3. Currently, there's no option in the PACREG application to allow patrons to choose to receive email notifications in plain text - but that option does exist in the new patron application on the staff side. Libraries using the PAC registration feature would like to have that included in the PACREG form.

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  4. Our Access Services staff use the Reader Services tab and the Note field to list patron details to assist with readers advisory for elderly and homebound patrons.

    They use the Preferences options to some degree, but have noticed a character limit in the Note field, which requires them to use abbreviations to fit their details. They asked: "Is there a way for Polaris to increase the character limit of the Note field in the reader services tab? Is there a way to increase the viewable space as well?"

    Character limit may be around 250 or so, so they are abbreviating…

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  5. In order to require patrons who are self-registering via the PAC to choose a notification preference, please remove the 'none' option from the Preferences dropdown, or at least allow for the option to customize what appears in the Preferences dropdown. By removing 'none' - or allowing for the option to remove it - patrons would effectively be required to provide a notification method, which would allow the library they are self-registering with to easily contact them should any problems arise with their application.

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  6. Patron Privacy is becoming a much larger issue. We currently use a UDF to hold our Patron ID.

    We'd like to suggest that having the ability to create some way to collect and keep private patron data such as an ID or other PII would be ideal. And having this information encrypted in the database would be preferable as well.

    Being able to prevent this information from always showing, would be a benefit and even having the ability to only show a part of that information, such as the last four digits or something similar, would be useful.

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  7. Staff have suggested that the Name on Identification area of the Leap registration form be collapsable, so that it will only be accessed if absolutely necessary. This measure would be an extra step in ensuring a patron's privacy, if a staff member accessing the record doesn't need that particular information.

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  8. A patron was using their former barcode to try to do a password reset, and before we realized what the issue was, the system told them they 'had no email address' associated with that account. It would be more helpful if the system told them the barcode was invalid or, even better, that they were using an old barcode.

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    1. Open a patron record in leap
    2. Navigate to the notes section
    3. Make a change to the note field
    4. Click the button to close the note (upper right hand corner)

    The note is not saved, nor is a warning message shown. This is different from the behavior of the desktop, which always saves the note when you close the record (not really the preferred behavior either since there is no undo in notes).

    This should work the way changes to the patron registrations work in Leap - warn there has been a change before allowing the record to be closed.

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  9. We have customers who do not pay attention to their notifications and an item gets declared Lost that they believe they have returned. I would like to have the option of taking an item that was declared Lost and making it Claimed Returned and even better if it could auto-waive any associated fines.

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  10. When creating a new account in Leap, it would be helpful if when the date of birth was less than 18 years from the registration date AND a patron code for adult patrons was selected, that an alert would display prior to saving, as we see for missing DOBs or other fields.

    It should not be a hard block, as it is possible for someone under 18 to register as an adult, but the alert would catch attention to remind staff to confirm/correct during the registration process.

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  11. Right now, automatic renewals happen 3 days before the due date. If the item someone has out is supposed to fill a hold for someone else then it never automatically renews even if another item ends up filling that hold. There should be a schedule for automatic renewals to occur 3 days, 2 days, 1 day, before the item is due and the day the item is due so there are multiple opportunities for that item to automatically renew in the event that a hold gets filled by another library and that item is now eligible for renewal again. It's…

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  12. We would like Polaris to transition expired patrons to Deleted after a specified time frame. (Such patrons would of course need to have no lost items or checkouts.) We envision this working like Lost Item Transition and the Missing Item Transition. Ideally, we could also set a fine threshold to only delete those expired patrons with less than a certain amount of fines on their cards.

    Adding this feature would allow a library to automatically remove expired patrons and allow for a more streamline process for deleting the ones they wanted.

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  13. It would be nice if from the staff side in Polaris and LEAP we could select whether to notify the patron if an item they placed on hold gets cancelled. Sometimes we have to cancel holds for various reasons and LEAP is often faster in notifying the patron with no context when their request was cancelled which can cause confusion for the patron. Staff should get the option of whether a patron gets notified or not and if possible, if we could have the option to add a message to the cancel notification they get.
    Relatedly, patrons should get a…

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  14. We already have the option in 7.6 to export print, phone, and TXT notices via the native Polaris admin settings. The only format that cannot be exported is email.

    It would make notices integrations to third-party and other hosted solutions more accessible and easier to maintain if the same functionality were supported for all notification methods.

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  15. Polaris Leap--Be able to use subject headings to browse/search while in Leap without having to go into the PAC.

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  16. Currently, it seems that we can opt to have all e-mail notices sent to the primary e-mail on an account, or all e-mail notices sent to both the primary and alternative e-mails on the account. We would like to be able to choose at the notice level whether a notice is sent to the primary e-mail or to both. This would allow us to, for example, send billing notices to both e-mails, but receipts and renewal notices only to the primary e-mail.

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  17. Right now in the Polaris SIP environment, if you attempt to get patron information using a 63 message, but you put in the WRONG password, the patron accounts LAST ACTIVITY DATE will STILL be updated.

    We recently had a vendor that for some crazy reason, went through and was attempting a 63 message for all patron barcodes they had on file. This updated the last activity date for tens of thousands of patron accounts.

    Although I suppose there could be some arguments for this behavior, it should not be the default. By default if an account login FAILS, for any…

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  18. Collection Agency Set Up: Can we add the ability to filter out patrons who already have a collection block when we send by item library? Due to financial reporting requirements, we have to send by item library but find many of our patrons end up with more than one collection block which we then need to remove.

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  19. Since you can exclude patron codes that are submitted to collections, you shouldn't be allowed to update the patron code for a patron in collection. We've found that any updates to fines and fees will not be sent to collection management (UMS) and the collection block will not be removed for a patron in collection if they now have a patron code that is excluded from collection.

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