24 results found
Search with a numerical comma
Discover should be able to handle a numerical comma in a title. We received a patron complaint that they couldn't find the title 20,000 Leagues under the sea. They were searching (correctly) with the comma in "20,000" (see this search: https://ada-lynx.na3.iiivega.com/search?query=20,000%20leagues%20under%20the%20sea&searchType=everything&pageSize=10). When searched as "20000", all the results properly come up (see https://ada-lynx.na3.iiivega.com/search?query=20000%20leagues%20under%20the%20sea&searchType=everything&pageSize=10). This is very difficult to explain to both the public and to the staff when our old PAC gives results to that without issue.
28 votesThis report is considered a bug and we will be including the fix of it with the relevancy improvements and updates that we plan to make this year.
Add "sort by author" to My Bookshelf
Add "sort by author" to My Bookshelf
Requested by patron11 votes -
Alphabetize Filters
When you filter a search results, the list sorts by quantity. These should be alphabetized.
8 votes -
Patron account view - allow fullscreen display
Patrons using laptops with smaller display resolutions are finding the limited height of the account display frustrating, as they can only see one item at a time and scrolling via touchpad can be difficult. Many have asked if an option to extend the display to cover the full height of the screen could be made available.
31 votesThis will be addressed when we make the move soon to the Account Portal views.
Only show children's content when in children's catalog/viewing children's material
When in the children's catalog, the Vega & Syndetics sections (Related Resources, Topics, etc) in the records should ideally only display children's titles. As an example, right now, when I pull up the Diary of a Wimpy Kid DVD, I'm seeing the Where'd You Go Bernadette DVD under Related Resources and A Man Called Otto DVD in Topics. We don't want to direct children toward adult titles.
It would actually be great to also be able to hide any adult items from Related Resources, Topics, etc. anytime a record for children's material is being viewed, whether in the main Vega…
20 voteshttps://portal.productboard.com/iii/15-vega-product-portal/c/685-syndetics-unbound-features-for-consortias-50-complete
Non-circulating Materials
REQUEST: Ideally suppression rules would be the same as currently followed in the ILS (Sierra and Polaris) along with requesting parameters. Would help with reference only collections that can't be checked out/removed from building but say 'checked in'
A a Vega Admin, I can expect Vega Discover to respect NonCirculating and Does Not Circulate flags applied to items and instances.As a Vega Admin, I can use the Material Type settings to set all X Material to disallow request in Vega.
Acceptance Criteria
NonCirculating Content from ILS
Items where the Sierra I(item) Type = Does…
37 votes -
Disable Vega Discover Cookie Prompt for Kiosk Sites
As of May 8th, 2024, Patrons at Vega Discover Kiosks which run in incognito mode are now presented with a greyed-out screen with a small white cookie banner at the bottom. For patron privacy, best practice for any Kiosk deployed in a public space calls for the erasure of all browser cache and cookies at the end of the kiosk session. For a walk-up session, there is no clear instruction as to what action needs to be taken to get to the full site, clicking a small "x" in the lower right corner is neither intuitive nor accessible. This prompt…
100 votes -
Since the MARC to BIBFRAME conversion doesn't convert every tag, Staff would like the ability to view MARC from Discover
33 votes -
Contributor info in edition "i" area to better tell the actual difference between editions
Add contributors, such as translator, illustrator or foreword author to the edition bib-frame info "i" window to better distinguish between different editions of a title. Most people are likely looking for contributors when choosing between editions.
14 votes -
Link from catalog to WorldCat needs to be added for when we do not own an item.
Link from catalog to WorldCat needs to be added for when we do not own an item
1 vote -
My Bookshelf General Functionality
I still feel this is sort of a bug, but I'm going to try submitting an idea.
When logged in: You can click on any link in "My Bookshelf" to expand it, but you can only collapse it by clicking either the down arrow or the "My Bookshelf" tab. When on another tab such as "Bookmarks, Saved Searches, or Reading History", I feel that clicking on these tabs should also collapse the My Bookshelf back to the bottom.
When not logged in: Clicking any link in the "My Bookshelf" will expand it but clicking "My Bookshelf" no longer collapses it…
12 votesThis problem will no longer be present when we move to Account Portal.
Pickup areas in Vega Discover
Please enhance the functionality of pickup areas in Leap/PAC according to this idea: https://ideas.iii.com/forums/951742-ils-polaris/suggestions/47671613-allow-enabling-disabling-of-pickup-areas-per-libra
Then add the functionality to Vega Discover!
20 votes -
Social Sharing of Lists
This is a combination of 2 ideas: Patrons would like to share lists they've created, and some patrons like to "Follow" others. We could create a new world of library "influencers" such as what is on social media, by having "Library Influencers" - those with over x number of followers. Patrons could select who they want to follow, and lists could be shared over social platforms.
5 votes -
View and manipulate linked patrons in My Bookshelf
the library would like patrons to be able to see patrons that are linked in Sierra. For instance, to allow a patron to renew their kids items under their Juvenile accounts, in bulk at once or flipping to that account view for renewing without re-logging in, or see and/or pay their fines, etc, because the accounts are linked in Sierra.
10 votesThis is planned with Account Portal
View entire My Bookshelf at once so can see all holds and checkouts
We have had a few customers report that when they open their My Bookshelf on a laptop they can't see their entire bookshelf. When they open in a new tab or new window it doesn’t display optimally either. You can control and – to make the screen smaller, but then you can't actually read what's on your bookshelf. They know you can use the toggles but you can't see all your holds or checkouts at once.
24 votesThis will be resolved when we roll out our new Account Portal.
Move Personal Name Subject Headings to Concepts/Topics
600 Subject added entry - personal name headings are currently displaying as Contributors/Persons. This is making it difficult to find additional resources ABOUT a person. When the person appears in the Subject field, they are not really a contributor, they are the Subject. Displaying these headings as Contributors is confusing. I believe this is on the roadmap but it would be nice to see this addressed sooner than later.
25 votes -
2 votes
Display More Note (5XX) Fields
Note fields include useful information that is meant to be displayed to users. This information helps users decide if the resource described is relevant to their needs.
A subtitle that appears only on the cover of a book might only appear in a 500 note. A note might specify that a resource is a reprint of an earlier publication or give the original title of a translation, just to name a few examples.
Most notes are repeatable, so all instances of these MARC fields should display when there are multiple. Currently, only the first 505 (Contents note) displays.
MARC 500…
134 votes -
Sort search results by Author or Title
Our patrons are asking for the ability to sort search results by Author or by Title, in addition to Date and Relevancy.
105 voteshttps://portal.productboard.com/iii/15-vega-product-portal/c/614-meep-enhancement-winner-add-sort-by-title-author-a-z-z-a
Use existing create lists / record sets from ILS for Showcases
Sierra Libraries can access Create Lists for creating Showcases.
Polaris Libraries can access Record Sets for creating Showcases.91 voteshttps://portal.productboard.com/iii/15-vega-product-portal/c/869-meep-enhancement-winner-use-ils-bib-record-lists-for-showcase-creation
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