Only show children's content when in children's catalog/viewing children's material
When in the children's catalog, the Vega & Syndetics sections (Related Resources, Topics, etc) in the records should ideally only display children's titles. As an example, right now, when I pull up the Diary of a Wimpy Kid DVD, I'm seeing the Where'd You Go Bernadette DVD under Related Resources and A Man Called Otto DVD in Topics. We don't want to direct children toward adult titles.
It would actually be great to also be able to hide any adult items from Related Resources, Topics, etc. anytime a record for children's material is being viewed, whether in the main Vega site or through the children's catalog.
Denise Heid Scarbeck commented
When patrons are using a Children's catalog, they rightly expect all of the suggested materials to be age-appropriate. Especially if they are allowing the children to use the catalog on their own, as we have customized it to appeal to children. No adult content should be accessible in a children's catalog.
Nicole Castellano commented
In the library, parents have often complained about their children being recommended adult book titles when searching for children's books. Narrowing down the children's catalog/children's searches to just children's items would be helpful.