Disable Vega Discover Cookie Prompt for Kiosk Sites
As of May 8th, 2024, Patrons at Vega Discover Kiosks which run in incognito mode are now presented with a greyed-out screen with a small white cookie banner at the bottom. For patron privacy, best practice for any Kiosk deployed in a public space calls for the erasure of all browser cache and cookies at the end of the kiosk session. For a walk-up session, there is no clear instruction as to what action needs to be taken to get to the full site, clicking a small "x" in the lower right corner is neither intuitive nor accessible. This prompt should be rewritten for clarity and/or there should be a feature added to disable this feature on published kiosk sites.

Eric Young commented
Yes, this issue specifically affects our kiosk sites, where the initial concern was raised. While Innovative successfully resolved this issue for Collection Sites used by Consortia customers, the solution has not yet been applied to kiosk sites. Currently, we're exploring ways to customize our site code to remove cookies on kiosk sites, as they provide little value given the existing limitations. It would be ideal if Innovative could implement the same or a similar solution for kiosk sites, as they did for Collection Sites.
Lisa Coker commented
At least once a week a patron reports that our catalog is down because of this.
Mark Dunk commented
I was able to defeat the Cookie Banner by adding the following entry to the c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file on each kiosk machine: cdn.cookielaw.org -
Grace Palmisano commented
Kiosk aside, the popup definitely gets in the way of usage. Patrons don't necessarily notice the message at the bottom of the screen then wonder why they can't use the site.
Katie commented
This continues to be an issue for our customers at the kiosks that we hear complaints about. It adds additional steps for access for the customers or customers attempt a search unsuccessfully, not realizing they have to click something. I hope a better solution can be found soon.
Stephanie Ruhe commented
As many others have noted, this is a big barrier to the patron experience for kiosk sites. We are in the process of starting to set ours up, but I'm not confident at all that we'll be able to use them successfully until this is addressed. The original post sums up the need perfectly.
Mary Kirsch commented
That thing drives me insane! I had a patron call yesterday because he couldn't understand why the screen was greyed out and he couldn't type anything. We're supposed to make things easier (dare I say, intuitive?) for our patrons.
It's not just the kiosks, it's every computer.
Gary Bauman commented
The cookies banner prevents page load on locked down interfaces such as Public Web Browser (pwb). There should be an option to disable the banner, as the cookie icon in the header renders the banner somewhat redundant.
James McHugh commented
We'd also very much like to disable the cookie nag on our sites. As US customers we aren't even subject to the GDPR so it's baffling this is being used to begin with.
Michelle Herrett commented
Frustrating feature that confuses patrons and is time consuming for staff having to show them ways around it.
Alison Hoffman commented
While we do not have kiosks, yet, we have already received feedback this would need to be disabled before libraries would find kiosks usable. The cookie settings would severely disrupt the patron experience.
danielle ruiz commented
While we don't have kiosk sites just yet, this would need disabled before we could proceed or we would run into the same issues others have stated.
Taunya Pappenfus commented
Necessary for business operations to progress.
Kristl Chavez commented
Please implement this change so that our system can move forward with kiosk sites.
Ann Sarrantonio commented
The cookie prompt is severely disrupting our patron experience at our OPAC stations. The message itself is not intuitive. It's hard for patrons to find the 'x'.
We have had patrons calling in saying that their computer isn't working because they cannot use the ordering search engine. -
Tamara Gaskell commented
Public KIOSKs need to be quick access points with no roadblocks. There should be an option to disable this easily within the site management settings- an on off switch. Stored Cookie preferences work on personal computers and not public access computers. There should be an option to disable this easily within the site management settings- an on off switch.
Stephanie Nordmann commented
The cookie prompt is severely disrupting our patron experience at our OPAC stations. The message itself is not intuitive. It's hard for patrons to find the 'x'.
Premium Vega subscribers can remove the message in their custom header. PLEASE allow libraries with a regular subscription to do so also.
Richard A Mautino PL ILL commented
There needs to be an option to disable the feature
Megan Wong commented
Please disable this. It makes kiosk mode on our OPACs very difficult for patrons