Cumulative Call Status Reporting
A support scenario that I imagine is pretty typical among libraries is one where staff receive word that a customer is not receiving their telephone notices. Staff then checks the available reporting to review the call history for that customer.
In IPA, currently, the reporting is grouped by result status. See image ipa1. So you have the Answered calls in one data set, the Failed calls in another, the Ignored, & Pending calls in yet another. Aside from knowing the total number (e.g. x calls failed because of y), this isn't user-friendly at all.
When we receive word that a customer isn't getting their calls, we don't know why that is. We don't know if the line was busy, blocked, etc. Currently, in order to find out, we have to search each report type, which is time consuming & tedious.
It would be far more useful if all call results - successes AND failures - were pooled together into a single, searchable results set. Historically, we might see that some calls did go through & some did not & share that with the reporting staff &/or customer. To do that now, we have to pull at least 2 separate reports.
This review is further complicated by the way calls & reports are divided up into confusing "campaigns." See ipa2. Aside from it not making much sense (why do we have 2 each for Mon-Sat & Sun?), again it means tediously searching through multiple sets of results, rather than a single database of call history.
IPA's reporting could be much more user friendly.

This idea will be reviewed by the product management team for consideration in an upcoming release.