Use Request Groups for choosing editions to fulfill work level holds.
Currently if a copy isn't available at the pickup location of any edition in a multi-edition rollup in Vega Discover, the holds logic dictates that it will look next for any edition with a copy available at the patron's home library, then for the edition with the most available copies, then if no copies are available, for the edition with the best holds:copies ratio.
The libraries with branches in our consortium would like the holds logic to look at availability of editions at their BRANCHES next if the pickup library has branches but doesn't own any editions themself. Also, they would like the reverse to be the case, that if the pickup location is one of their branches and the branch doesn't own any editions, the holds logic will look next for editions at the MAIN library (or parent branch, if you will) and other subsequent branches BEFORE checking editions at the patron's home library, then the edition with most available copies, then the edition with the best holds:copies ratio.
Finally, for our libraries with lockers assigned as branches, since the locker doesn't have any owned items, they would like requests for pickup at the locker to look for available editions at the MAIN library that the locker is assigned to FIRST (and then other BRANCHES, if there are any) before moving to check for available editions at the patron's home library and so on.