Allow Patrons to Cancel Trapped Holds
Patrons don't often think about cancelling a hold until they have received a notice. By that time, it is already in transit or on the holds shelf. This is often when they want to cancel, but cannot. There is an idea listed about suppressing the Cancel option for items that cannot be cancelled. This would be a partial solution, but for our library, the true need is to allow patrons to cancel items that have already been trapped for them.
Alexandra Harvancik commented
Discover should mirror as many features available in our ILSs as possible. Without that, why bother using Discover if it's not as robust as our original PAC?
Sandi Burgess commented
Hi Eliza. This is correct, we are on Polaris 7.5 and use Vega as our catalogue.
Eliza Richards commented
I'm wondering if this is an issue with a different LMS from us. We have Sierra and customers can cancel their holds when they're in transit or on the holdshelf for them.