Add "Refine Results" to searchable showcases
Please enable the 'Refine Results' option for our 'Searchable Showcases.' Currently, the feature only filters by title and author, but patrons browsing a list would benefit from additional filtering options. If a patron already knows the author and title, they would typically use our catalog directly to search for that material.
Example photo 1) Showing the search bar at the top right included in showcase search that is limited to title/author on that particular list.
Example photo 2) Refine Results which is HEAVILY used by our patrons for finding material to place on hold.
Hi Derek,
It isn't possible to add the full refinement filters to a book list because it isn't a search it's a created list. We have made it easier to search a book list by adding:
Publication Date
LanguageFor saved searches, you can now view the saved search and adjust the filters.
When looking at the data, we see 3.1% visitor adoption of the facet filters for Rochester Hills.
Stephanie Ruhe commented
Strongly agree with this reasoning and the use cases - if patrons are browsing a list, they likely do not have a known item in mind but may want to limit the list view to a format, topic, etc. that suits them. A prime example might be a showcase containing new titles (our primary use for showcases right now).