Change menu glyph from bars (hamburger) to user (account)
The current hamburger menu opens an account menu, rather than the overall app menu. Changing the glyph from the bars glyph ( to a user glyph ( would make it clearer that this is how you access your library account.
The menu link is located in the upper right of the app, which is a common place for an account link to go. And when you open this menu, there's already a round user avatar that appears at the top of the account menu. Swapping out the bars glyph for a user glyph would feel totally natural.
With an unambiguous link to the account menu in this position, you wouldn't need to add a redundant link to the account from the menu, thus and opening up a spot for something else.
Alternatively, the menu glyph could be configurable so a library could specify what they prefer to use.
Eric Young commented
This would be a welcome improvement. We currently have the bars and the "My Account" button shown to ensure a user can find "My Account" the icon change would improve this and maybe we would then not display the "My Account" button.