6 results found
For hard bounces, also update eReceipt option
When a message hard-bounces, LX Start passes back information to the ILS to add a nonblocking note to the patron's account and to update their notification preference from email to whatever the ILS has as the designated backup method. In Polaris, there is a SEPARATE setting on patron accounts to chose whether the patron automatically receives an email receipt for a transaction. This setting does not get changed when an email address hard bounces. Could the pass back also include updating patrons who have eReceipts turned on to have that turned off?
When a patron has eReceipts turned on, staff…
7 votesReleased 1/18/2024
Release Notes & Known Issues
Please add LX Starter release notes & known issues to the Supportal. I reviewed the current release notes and known issues on all products and did not find any mention of LX Starter.
10 votes -
Add a list of merge tags and what they correspond to in the ILS
Merge tags use different terminology than either Sierra or Polaris ILS. Create a key that maps merge tag names to the corresponding field in each of the two ILSes so that users can understand what data will be pulled when they insert a particular merge tag.
40 votes -
5 votes
20 votes
The Unpublishing Notices feature was released this morning. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!
7 votes
Select a Catalog for Item Linking was released this morning. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!
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