Make Message to Borrower field in Sierra visible in the patron's Vega account
This functionality is available in WebPAC and Encore and is a core feature of Sierra to the discover layer.
Please make this visible in the patron's Vega account for full parity, otherwise the Message to Borrower field
in Sierra becomes moot.

Brian Jones commented
It makes sense to have these standard webpac features available in Vega - saves staff time trying to think of a workaround
Jill Martines commented
Same for Polairs ILS as well please!
Alison Pruntel commented
I wish the basic (and useful) functionality of WebPAC/Encore was included in Vega. Sometimes I feel like the product was designed by people who never used WebPAC/Encore and thus don't realize some of the deficits that to a user, seem baffling (like not being able to search/browse by call number w/out knowing the complete call number). Messages are a primary vehicle to communicate to patrons who don't come in person, only log in to their account (or use the mobile app - which also doesn't show the patron messages).