Offline Mode
Vega Mobile Worklists users would like to be able to perform basic functions while offline and load those transactions when wifi becomes available again. This allows the library to keep library areas clear during internet outages, to help provide services the community when at an outreach location that does not have wifi, and to continue serving the public and make list progress when there are internet issues in general.
Job Stories:
As a Mobile Worklists Staff User, I can run the Mobile Worklists app in Offline mode.
As a Mobile Worklists Staff User, I can save required data to create new patron accounts in Offline mode.
As a Mobile Worklists Staff User, I can checkout items to patrons in Offline mode.
As a Mobile Worklists Staff User, I can checkin items in Offline mode.
As a Mobile Worklists Staff User, I can create and update new lists in Offline mode by adding, and removing items.
As a Mobile Worklists Staff User I can log inhouse circulation statistics in Offline mode.

Shawn P. Farrell commented
I'd like to see offline circ functionality added to Mobile Worklists. When a library loses its network connectivity, transactions take longer to resolve, whether they're being performed at a staff terminal or at a self-checkout machine to be uploaded when connectivity is restored.
As a Sierra user, it'd be great to have a version of Offline Circ fit for mobile use, so staff could meet people in the lines of patrons that inevitably form when offline, & help alleviate some of that frustration, getting them checked out & on their way, with the transactions uploaded as soon as possible.
And yes, it would also be helpful if there were an offline mode for in-house use counts.