Offer sorting options for Notice Activity Logs
Currently, it seems the Notice Activity Logs page can only be sorted by the Time Sent column. I would like the ability to sort by any of these columns, especially patron name or barcode. This would allow us to see all of this type of notice that was sent to a particular patron when they report problems receiving LX Starter notices.
Kayla Payne commented
I've been going through the "marked as spam" status and manually adding notes to cards (since LX Starter doesn't do this automatically). I would love it if we could sort the activity logs by patron name, barcode, email address, etc. This would save time trying to remember if we've already added this note/know if they had already marked things as spam previously.
Alison Pruntel commented
I would like to see the patron name, barcode under Notice Activity Logs > Sequences. I just see Failed to Send but don't know who was affected.