Display Title informaiton in My Bookshelf for suppressed bibs and items
If a patron has borrowed an item for which the bibliographic record or all attached item records are suppressed, NO title information appears in the patron's Checkouts in My Bookshelf. Instead, an annoying message appears stating that the title is 'unavailable' (we changed it to state that the title details cannot display at this time). This happens also with our ILL titles and our Quick Picks (Express titles) that are from our browsable collection! This makes it impossible for the patron to know which title is due when if they have more than one of these checked out! Please find a way to display the titles of suppressed bibs and/or items in the Checkouts in My Bookshelf
Released March 27, 2024
Elizabeth Swift commented
We need this because we have two very important collections that are suppressed but check out. One is our Interlibrary Loan items and other is our Best Seller Club items. Patron are very annoyed that they cannot see the titles of these items when they look at their checked out items and hold items.
Lisa Coker commented
We suppress items that are very overdue billed. It would be nice if the item's information (title, author, due date) could still show up in the patron account.