Add customization to pickup location display
There are times when it makes sense to edit the pickup location text or reorganize the listing. Our consortia central offices processes ILL requests for the correctional facilities in our region and also recieves items in delivery for cataloging and staff requests. We are not open to the public. The pickup location is necessary as a selection, but we would like to move it to the end of the list and label it with "Staff Use Only", as we did in Encore. Another example is a temporary closure or access issue that could be communicated at the time of selection
Sarah Kasprzak commented
We recently had an unforseen branch closure. In the past, we would edit the pickup location name to say TEMP CLOSED or something like that to alert patrons as they were placing holds. Changing the pickup location label in the ILS did not affect the display in Vega. It is nice that you can easiliy suppress a location from the pickup list in Vega; however, we thought in this case (last minute closure that we weren't sure how long it would last) it would be more confusing for the location to not appear. We would like to be able to edit the pickup location name that displays in this circumstance.