Select Order of Facets in Refine Panel Display
Allow Libraries to select the order that the facets display in the Refine panel of the search results. Ordering should be allowed at the Main and Site Levels. Main Vega Discover facet order should cascade to the sites unless overridden by a site level configuration.
Some facets are really important to searching and should be ranked higher. For us the format is the most important facet. That may not be true everywhere. Consortia are more concerned with collecection and location, so we need to have the ability to organice the facets as we could in Encore

James Jackson Sanborn commented
For consortial sites, this is absolutely critical so that we can move LOCATION facet to to the top so patrons can see what is at the library they are near.
Eliza Richards commented
Customers are finding the facets to be not useful. We think that being able to order the ones to be most important to them at the top would improve this.
Chrysanna Beazley commented
Yes we would like to be able reorder our facets too
C Mulder commented
REQUEST: Add a setting at the collection site level that allows libraries to reorder facets. (they can be different on each collection site)
Job Stories:
As a Vega Admin, Main Site Admin, or Site Admin, I can choose the Order of Facets in sites I administrate.Acceptance Criteria:
The Facets Administration page in Vega Discover Staff UI is updated to allow for Admins to reorder the facets to a custom order.
A Facets Administration page is added to the Site Level, allowing sites to set their own priority for facet order and to decide which facets appear in the site. To set a site level facet selection and priority toggle is set allowing editing of the default Main Vega Facet configuration.
The Main Vega Facets selection and order is applied to sites unless an override has been configured.This idea came from: -
Bryan Blank commented
Yes, this would be helpful!
Alyssa Murphy commented
This feature would be really helpful to patrons and staff when searching the catalog.
Lisa Coker commented
Just got another request from staff to re-order the facets. This would be a very helpful option.
Samantha Cresswell commented
We would like to be able to customize the order of the facets, prioritizing the fields our patrons gravitate to first. This would be extremely beneficial to our patrons when they are searching our catalog.
Nick Bennyhoff commented
We would like to have this ability, as the location facet displays fairly low in the list in Vega, but our patrons are used to seeing the locations up near the top - and it really makes most sense for it to be near the top, as where the item is located can be quite important to the patron.
Laurie Shedrick commented
Libraries are not all created with the same needs and priorities. A standalone library and a consortia may have different reasons to move a facet into a higher slot.
Laurie Shedrick commented
Finding your location isnt intuitive based on the search results, some facets just make more sense when listed alphabetically. It isnt obvious to patrons why their library isnt appearing when the list looks random.