End-of-year Report individualized for patrons
This would enable a library to personalize an end-of-year report mailer based on a template within Promote, allowing them to reach out to patrons regarding their library usage throughout the year. This report is significantly more robust compared to generic Promote mailers, which may necessitate Clarivate assistance in creating a similar template. Some examples of variables that can be included in this report are: activity date range, amount of activity, total cost savings (min/max), material promotions, upcoming events, and more.
Currently, generating a report of this kind requires custom SQL queries, embedding CSV data into template emails, and utilizing an email service capable of handling these imports. Having Promote integrate this as a built-in process would be greatly appreciated.
AdminKatie LeBlanc (Admin, Innovative) commented
This is something we manually do for our patrons to show value in them having and using their library card. It would be nice it this could be done simply through a pre-built report/email.