Purge Settings for Report Files in SimplyReports
We'd like added the ability to purge report downloads from SimplyReports that are sitting in user folders. This would include deleting ad hoc report, scheduled report, and saved report extracts from their respective user folders after a specified number of days.
Currently these settings are listed under the Admin section of SimplyReports, but we only found out recently there is no process tied to the settings. We'd like to see this functionality built. Details about their unavailability can be found in the SimplyReports help article "Set the general application defaults" (bottom).
Idea Value
We have several users with years of reports which have accumulated. It would be helpful to have a process that manages these files so we don't have to go into individual folders and delete backlogs of reports.
Also, since there are existing settings already listed in SimplyReports Admin, it would be appropriate to either develop the functionality or remove the settings, as they are misleading.

Luke Patterson commented
very useful, please consider
Margaret Rose O'Keefe commented
Yes please!