Copy to create new INLI in Leap
In Polaris, when you are in an INLI you can click the New button you get the option to Copy Existing Work Form. The new INLI retains some values from the existing one (e.g. fund, title, author).
In LEAP you need to exit the INLI, and then click the New Line Item button, which does not fill in any of the information. Makes adding line items slower and more repetitive when you need to re-enter everything.
Sarah St. Martin commented
This is essential. We are still on 7.2 (upgrading soon to 7.4) so have not been able to do manual acquisitions, and have not experienced this yet. However I know staff will consider this another reason not to use Leap for cataloging/acquisitions as it would be considered lost functionality. Adding collection and fund information for each POLI/INLI would add so much time!
Meghan O'Leary commented
This would really streamline the process of adding INLIs and POLIs.
Karen Jensen commented
This goes for all work forms (creating new items, creating new invoices, etc)