Stop Hold being Trapped that Cannot be Checked Out by Material Type Limit of Zero
I propose that if the patron limitation is zero for a material type check out then the item will not be trapped for the patron. They will stay on the top of the holds list until an item that does not have a material type of zero for that patron type is checked in and trapped. Thus making the material type check out limit of zero a true material type block.
When placing bib holds sometimes items on that bib will have different material types. These different material types will sometimes have limitations on the amount that can be checked out by that patron type. Currently when a hold is trapped for a patron this patron material type limit is ignored and is still trapped even if the patron can not check out that item due to the material type check out limit of zero. This is since if the limit was say 5 and they were at 5 items checked out they could return one of those checked out same material types and check out the held material.