Addition of "PA" Extension in Item Info Response
I propose an enhancement to the SIP2 protocol: including the "PA[PickupAreaDescription]" extension in the Item Info response (18). Currently, this valuable extension is only available in the check-in response. The key issue with the current setup is that when systems attempt a check-in to obtain the "PA" value, the check-in process completes, which can prematurely finalize item handling without allowing the system to decide if a check-in should be initiated based on the item's status or location.
Integrating the "PA" extension into the Item Info response would allow library systems to efficiently determine whether a check-in is necessary for items that fill a patron hold, especially in high-volume hold situations. This enhancement would streamline the workflow by providing critical information upfront, thus avoiding unnecessary or premature check-in transactions and improving overall system efficiency and patron service.
Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to any feedback or discussions on this proposal.