Sierra 6.0 - Harvest Sierra data in MARC XML using OAI-PMH
Idea Description: Libraries often share their metadata between our system and external systems. One very convenient way of keeping the databases in sync is using the OAI-PMH protocol. Sierra currently supports OAI-PMH as a harvester, but not the converse; as a repository. We would like to see this protocol implemented to allow external systems to harvest from Sierra to lower the amount of intervention required to keep the data in sync between Sierra and an external repository.
Idea Value: Currently we use scheduler to generate review files and export data out of Sierra and transfer these files via FTP to external systems. This ties up several review files and is susceptible to review file failures as on occasion we have had the scheduled jobs fail or produce unexpected results and have to re-run them. Having this data harvested via OAI-PMH would free up these review files and remove the need to rely on Scheduler jobs. It would also reduce the amount of manual staff intervention required when sharing data from our Sierra system with new external parties.

This enhancement was included in Sierra 6.0.