Improving loan history
Our patrons are curious about their loan history. They would like to sort it by author or title in addition to the checkout date. We have told them to export it. But exporting the checkout history loses the checkout date! Could more sorting possibilities be added to the catalogue and checkout date added when exporting?
Victor Zuniga commented
Also, can we provide an option to export the reading history as a .csv file?
Victor Zuniga commented
We recently encountered this issue with a patron request to include the checkout date. In addition to the checkout date, including repeat checked-out items (aka duplicates) would be ideal. It is not unusual for some patrons to borrow the same item multiple times, especially if their reading history spans over 10+ years. Patrons would love to see each of these entries when exporting the data from the system. Currently, duplicate titles are exported only once. This misleads the patron into thinking they checked out fewer items than what the exported email would display.