My Bookshelf Personal Lists option to view in text format v.s. Images
In the My Bookshelf Area, which includes Checkouts, Holds, Bookmarks, Saved Lists, Reading History and Showcases, it can be cumbersome for those patrons with large lists to view them. Patrons (and staff) are missing the ability to view multiple titles without having to scroll and would like the option to view these lists in a text format instead of what is currently available.

Vanessa Schwegman commented
It would be great to allow users to be able to toggle the view so that there is a simple compact list option as well as the current more eye-catching view. I was surprised at how many patrons have commented about having to scroll through their long lists when we launched Discover. I remember hearing the same complaints when the Polaris PAC first started displaying cover images, but we had the ability to add a compact display toggle ourselves in the PAC.
Edit to add that many of these patron comments have revolved around having to scroll through many titles. A more recent comment requests a list view of the reading history.
Jennifer D Russell commented
The greyed out cookie screen continues to prevail. Many calls ended up being a result of the cookies screen.
Jennifer D Russell commented
Login issues: unexpected error messages, one patron said the site did not recognize her account.
Jennifer D Russell commented
Reading history does not sort by author (the function is there, it just does not work accurately)
Jennifer D Russell commented
We prefer the older catalog that automatically showed all call numbers for the libraries without having to sign in that had the title in their collection. We should offer more useful information than less.
Jennifer D Russell commented
A patron said that they keep a huge history (over 90 titles) of what they have checked out, and having images of the covers makes it difficult for him to search what he's read. He has slow internet and the loading of images takes time.
Jennifer D Russell commented
The required acceptance of cookies sometimes appears below the sight of customers. This interferes with their experience of the catalog.
Emily commented
It would be helpful to have an option to view the list of materials without pictures but with all of the other list info. Some of my patrons have complained that it takes forever to scroll past all of the pictures to find what they're looking for, and the grid version doesn't include enough info (and still has the pictures, which take a long time to load on some devices).
Carolyn Coulter commented
I also have patrons requesting that these lists be printed without images, as well.
Pam Wills commented
It would be great if there was a "printer friendly" alternative to print patrons reading history in Vega. Some patrons have thousands of titles in their reading history and the current print option would print pages and pages.
Lisa Coker commented
Yes! It's almost impossible for patrons to print out their lists. The only workaround we've come up with is taking screenshots and pasting those into a separate document. Which is pretty cumbersome. Patrons liked the view in classic catalog.
Carolyn Coulter commented
patrons have expressed their desire for a text based history list with my libraries.
Josh Hancock commented
So far one of the biggest complaints that our patrons have had is how the reading history and checkouts lists display. Having an option for the lists to display in a basic text form would be a much appreciated change.
Being able to export the lists with just basic information like title, author, and checkout or due date information would be a nice change as well. -
Alison Pruntel commented
To add to this: Our users would like to be able to print out their bookmarks or export them, just specific information (author/title/call number) like they can in the classic catalog (which the staff prefer over Vega). They don't want the book jacket, roll up stuff, shelf locations, etc.
Danielle Stanley commented
A list view for bookshelf is definitely something our customers are going to want.