On Order Searching an sorting
'On Order Availability Facet - Allow users to limit searches to materials that are On Order' is on the roadmap for "later". We would love to see this added, including the ability to sort results by order date. We have developed a workaround by creating Material Types for On Order to allow these items to be searched and placed on hold; however, none of the existing sort options allow users to easily navigate these results. Users would like to be able to see newly ordered items appear first in the list so that they can check back regularly to see what is newly ordered and place holds.

Jennifer O'Donnell commented
Patrons would like to be able to view on order items. This could be done either by adding a facet to the left side for people to filter by and/or through a saved search which staff could turn into showcases (e.g., showcases of titles on order by age group and/or format).
Talia Hofacker commented
I would also really like to see this. Our patrons really like putting stuff on hold when it's on order and right now they can't specifically search for that status. I would also like to add this status to our new book/items lists displayed on the homepage.
Cherie Morgan commented
Additional request for "On Order / Ordered" availability development. We'd love to use this status for bib records that do have items attached. Our current workflow calls for creating item records in anticipation of the materials' arrival.
We'd love to use the more positive "On Order" language for materials we've ordered.