Syndetics graying-out holdings on serial bibs
We generally prefer serial bibs for multi-volume graphic novels over individual bibs for each volume. Syndetics doesn't seem to understand this set-up. Only the first volume in the series is in color, while the other volumes (which are reflected as ISBNs in the serial bib, and as item records) are grayed-out. This is misleading to patrons. Syndetics should recognize our holdings from all the ISBNs in the bib record.
Sarah Kasprzak commented
We've found that the display is confusing when a series includes multiple volumes on one BIB. The cover art will display for whichever ISBN is first in the record and that, along with the greyed out series display makes patrons think we don't have some volumes when they are grouped on one bib. We've been working to separate some of these but for some series with many volumes, it isn't a priority to create individual BIBs. It would be great if Vega would recognize all of the ISBNs included in the record.
Ideally, it would be nice to be able to present volume information on the rollup somehow without relying on the user to expand the editions information.