Fully display bibliographic description
Currently, only partial of the bibliographic description is displayed in the Location Drawer Item Details due to either character limit and/or predetermined select subfields. The full description needs to be displayed to include additional content from $e of the 300.
Laurie Shedrick commented
I get more complaints about this than anything else. I know I have commented before, but patrons are frustrated that they cannot find details about an edition, like contributors or the subjects and genres.
Laurie Shedrick commented
We are hearing more and more that patrons miss the valuable content included in our bibligraphic records. I think we do a disservice and underestimate patrons to think they mostly aren't using this so it is irrellevant. If the specifics matter, like the actor in a film, or the title in an anthology, the user expects that our records, which have always carried this level of detail, to be a resource.
The record should expand to meet this moment - it doesnt need to be viewable, within the summary or edition view, but a "read more" should be available to expand the view to reveal the full content of the Record.
Sue Spychalski commented
I agree. It would be very helpful.
Laura Watson commented
Without the full description, in some cases we can't even see why we got a keyword match.
Carol commented
I agree - very frustrating without the full description.
MK commented
Agree with Nicole--we really need to have the full description showing!
Nicole Johnson commented
Staff need the full bibliographic description to pinpoint the exact item a patron is looking for (which translation of the book is it? Which actor is in this version of the movie?). Patrons are using our catalog more as a means to find an exact book, movie, etc., and less as a browsing tool.