Show In Library Use status on the Search Page
We would like a way to show on the search page when an item is a In Library Use Only status. Right now, ours just says everything is available with no search button which can cause confusion for patrons. We want people to find these items so they know we have them, but to make it clear when looking at a search that they will have to come into the library to use it.

Eileen Keller commented
Patrons view 'Available' to mean available for checkout, and "Unavailable" as inaccessible. A third status option, like In Library Use or See Librarian, preferable matching the ILS verbiage, would be helpful to the patrons.
Chrysanna Beazley commented
Totally agree with this.
Grace Palmisano commented
Yes! A third option to whether an item is available or not available in each library would be helpful. Right now, reference items are being listed as unavailable because they are considered "Library Use Only" but they are actually available...they just can't be checked out. And if I change them to "Check Shelves" the record is listed as available, but a patron coming in to check it out will discover that they can't. In both cases, this is rather misleading. A third option of something along the lines of "Library Use Only" would be helpful.