Event drafts hold the room reservations
Can we make it so when someone saves a draft event they're working on, it blocks the room off? This would be so much easier than needing to reserve the space in both places. Right now, they have to hold the room with a room booking, then put in their event information with the same dates, otherwise no one can see when a room is blocked off. Is this doable? Waiting until an event is approved for the web to have it appear on the calendar isn't ideal.
Hello Sam,
The best practice is to create a template called "HOLD for TBD" or "Room Hold" with placeholder information. Then staff can enter the room, date, and time which will block it off for staff or other patrons to book it. As details firm up, they can make updates before the event is approved and visible to the public.
Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions,
Angela Nolet