Alert patrons when their card will expire
Alert patrons to their accounts expiring 30 days before expiration date.
This would be extra helpful with 50% of our circulation being handled through self-check machines.
Idea Value
This is an issue, especially with self-checkouts and the system using patron expiration date as the due date. Patrons are familiar with the check out times and do not pay attention to their expiration date and then they accumulate a fine.

This will be a part of the Renewal Journey feature
Jill McElderry commented
A patron recently asked why we don't send library card renewal notices a week before their card expires, so that there is no interruption in service. Since the system can already send automated notices of pending due dates on checked out items, this seems like it might be possible. Right now cards "expire" yearly and patrons cannot use online services until the cards are manually renewed by staff.
Jeremy Goldstein commented
Yes, here is the enhancement on the LX Starter roadmap
Robyn commented
Having design control over this notice as well as a welcome message to new patrons are the primary reasons we are interested in using LX Starter.
Elizabeth Wright commented
This would be very helpful - with our current selfcheckout vendor we cannot include a "message block" in our SIP transaction. We would like a way to block customers from the self checkout unit if we need to do so (address check or expired card etc).
Alison Pruntel commented
I think this is coming in LX Starter (patron journey, including expiration).