Show copy of the notice sent in LX starter backend
When we look at the notice information LX Starter backend, we should be able to see and download a copy of the notice sent to the patron.
This would give you the ability to print out the notice if necessary - to either mail or hand the patron.
Reviewing this idea for possible future development.
Pam Wells commented
@Kayla I was basically thinking in terms of a way to print a paper copy of the exact notice if a patron wants another copy (or you want to give it to them because they didn't get it)
Kayla Payne commented
We can see this by searching for the patron and clicking the sent activity - it at least shows the item overview, though it is not easily downloadable. You can highlight the text or do a screen grab for printing, but I agree - it's not the easiest of workarounds. It also doesn't show the full example of the email that was sent to the patron. See attached example for what the "print preview" looks like when text is highlighted in the "more details" popup.
Bob Gaydos commented
As the ILS Administrator, I am frequently asked to verify that (usually hold pickup or overdue) notices were sent when patrons contact us to say they were not notified. Currently I can look in the mailbox of our email user, which is both the named sender of the messages as well as the cc recipient of that same message. I can attach a copy of the original notice email in my reply to the staff member or patron who initiated the inquiry. The completeness of this response almost always ends my involvement in the matter.