Settings and activity
12 results found
13 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Cournoyer supported this idea ·
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Cournoyer commented
It would be really awesome to have a "Share" button for events that would allow people to share them on social media, by email, or in a text message. While the ability to share on social media is nice, we have a large population of people who are NOT on social media that would find it handy to be able to invite people or promote our events to their friends and family by email or in a text message.
25 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Cournoyer commented
Agreed. We're in a consortia and when updating a barcode for a patron in our area we may need to know their previous barcode. It is also necessary for us to have the former barcode when we merge accounts on Libby/OverDrive so they can keep holds and histories. Automating the populate former barcode field would be efficient and preferred.
Sarah Cournoyer supported this idea ·
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Cournoyer commented
Being able to edit, update, and change is an efficiency needed. While we don't book rooms currently, when our building is renovated, we will have two community rooms, and four meeting/study rooms to manage and this idea will be needed. As Cecelia said, sometimes those booking a room will choose the wrong booking type and staff need to be able to edit it rather than starting over.
Sarah Cournoyer supported this idea ·
22 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Cournoyer commented
This is an essential item for a consortia. Our member libraries want to have our individual on-order and non-circulating holdings items appear for patrons signed into their account on a library's instance so that they can place holds immediately. We have a holds ratio that determines how many copies to buy and it also ensures that our items can circulate to our local patrons via filled holds before these items leave our library to fill holds at other libraries in our consortia. Non-circulating items should also appear in our instance of the catalog so that patrons in the building and signed into their account can find things to use on site.
Sarah Cournoyer supported this idea ·
38 votes
Sarah Cournoyer supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Cournoyer commented
Force logout on browser close is a needed improvement. We utilize user training to sign out of the Leap, but when a browser is closed, it should log a user out automatically. We've had locked records happen due to this and it was time consuming to sort out from a user standpoint.
18 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Cournoyer commented
The member libraries in our consortia have a variety of settings and desired info. It would be useful to have collection site and Polaris PAC settings in place.
Sarah Cournoyer supported this idea ·
26 votes
Sarah Cournoyer supported this idea ·
29 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Cournoyer commented
Not all libraries in our consortia have hoopla, not all libraries have staff to maintain the records, and not all libraries want their hoopla connection to show up in the catalog.
Sarah Cournoyer supported this idea ·
80 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Cournoyer commented
Different staff work at different levels of permissions and as a consortia, we want each library to have the ability to set access controls for their own staff.
Sarah Cournoyer supported this idea ·
102 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Cournoyer commented
Author sort makes a huge difference when searching a common title. Making it easy for patrons to find what they want improves the user experience.
Sarah Cournoyer supported this idea ·
29 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Cournoyer commented
We share users with our neighboring consortia member libraries. Each library has unique features on their landing page of the catalog and want to be able to move between them. We aren't different branches of the same library and Discover needs to assist our patrons in navigating between our member libraries.
Sarah Cournoyer supported this idea ·
Our library would use the message feature, but if it doesn't appear in Vega Discover which we have migrated our patrons to, then the message feature is not helpful in saving staff time or empowering patrons.
As an example, a DVD release was just canceled and there were 45 holds on it. Using the message function would be a great way to communicate that it was canceled to all of those patrons.