LEAP Patron message show up in Vega Discover
We would like to have LEAP Patron message show up in Vega Discover not just in the PAC, an example of something like this or it popping up when a patron logs into VEGA would be great.
Alison Hoffman commented
This has been a very useful way to communicate messages to patrons and an efficient and time saving option for staff. It would be extremely helpful for that to carry over to Discover as well so staff could continue to utilize it without having to return to more cumbersome or time consuming work-arounds.
Sarah Cournoyer commented
Our library would use the message feature, but if it doesn't appear in Vega Discover which we have migrated our patrons to, then the message feature is not helpful in saving staff time or empowering patrons.
As an example, a DVD release was just canceled and there were 45 holds on it. Using the message function would be a great way to communicate that it was canceled to all of those patrons.
Lynton Frost-Foster commented
As a customer, I would appreciate the option of being able to read my notifications via Vega rather than receiving non urgent ones as a phone call, email or text
AdminKatie LeBlanc (Admin, Innovative) commented
We use this feature as a way to communicate something to the patron that is not time sensitive and doesn't warrant a call but they may want to know.