Un-cancel a purchase order line item
The ability to un-cancel a cancelled Purchase Order Line Item. Sometimes an order cancelled by a vendor will arrive anyways, or one edition is cancelled then later substituted for another. In these cases, it would be preferable to un-cancel the original POLI than to create a new one, or start from scratch at the invoice stage. Un-cancelling the POLI would also allow us to maintain the connection between the POLI and the Invoice Line Item.
Idea Value
This would save time and confusion for acquisitions staff, and allow us to maintain the connections between PO, Invoice and Item.

Beth Neunaber commented
Concur with previous comments. Also, I have experienced researching non-receipt of items with certain vendors and items appear to be cancelled on their side, but randomly show-up anyway.
Lorrie Beseau commented
This would be so helpful for all the reasons mentioned.
Jennifer Hendzlik commented
This is becoming more and more of an issue as fewer vendors honor their cancellation reports (or ours). We have to re-create the item and this would save a lot of time.
Trish Pelletier commented
We cannot trust vendor cancelation reports, being able to undo a cancelation would allow us to use the existing PO for the receiving and invoicing when the item is shipped.
Beth Lane commented
There are several times in a year where the vendor cancels an item, then discovers it has come in. I'd love the ability to un-cancel a PO line item.
Meghan O'Leary commented
I support this idea for the reasons listed, but also because sometimes you may cancel the wrong item by accident and then there is no way to fix your mistake. If we had the option to un-cancel the POLI it would save a lot of hassle.