Provide a way to check out/in items to a patron through the Polaris API
Ability to check out items to patrons; check in items
The Polaris API does not provide methods for checking out (issuing/charging) items to patrons.
It also doesn't provide methods to check in (return/discharge) items after being returned to the library.
Requested improvement:provide a way to check out an item to a patron through the Polaris APIprovide a way to check in an item through the Polaris API
Idea Value
This would allow libraries to interface with 3rd party apps which provide check out and check in functionality. These types of services are more relevant than ever now that libraries are looking for creative ways to serve patrons during the pandemic.
Eric Young commented
Please provide an update to this request, specifically the addition of a Check-In method to the Polaris API. This method would allow Remote Lockers, Automated Material Handlers, and patron self-service systems like express checkout system to use the Polaris API.
The addition of a check-in method would greatly enhance the functionality and usability of the Polaris API for these systems and would provide a more seamless and efficient experience for patrons, allowing for little or zero need for using old SIP2.
Eric Young commented
While Polaris v7.4 includes a new method for check out via the API, the methods to complete a circulation workflow are still missing from the API.